Photos Needing Identification
Can you help with the who, what and where of these photos?
Yehuda Leib and Rachel Leah with a young Lewis Postrel between them and Phillip Postrel in the front right. On the left is Frima Sanders (Postrel) and Baruch Sanders. Rear right is Joe Postrel. Center rear is unidentified, perhaps Max (Modcha) Postrel
unidentified - Is this Rachel Leah?
Front row: young Phil Weisberg, Second row: Pesach (Pesy) and Rivka (Postrel) Weisberg Back row: Solomon Postrel, Chaya Postrel, unidentified and Israel Postrel (?) Cousin Richard: This very rare archival photo is probably the first one taken of my beloved Dad, Phil (age maybe 2?) with his Mom and Dad (one of the only pix I've seen of my great grandparents together), and (standing) beloved aunts and uncles.
Fannie Postrel & family