1965 PFC Chanukah Party
These photos were taken by Leo Postrel and provided by his daughter Pam. This party / meeting was held at Reida and Irwin Herskowitz’ house in New Rochelle.
Hazel and Gwen Weisberg
Richard and Phil Weisberg, Julie Cohen
Nancy, Rhonda, Debbie Postrel
Sanders sisters: Phyllis (holding Rachel?), Laurel and Fran
Irwin Herskowitz and Phil Weisberg
Tante Chaya, Helen and Harry Zweigbaum
Ellen Postrel, David Weisberg
Host and hostess!
Irwin Herskowitz, Tante Chaya, Yetta Cohen
Lena and Doris Dashew (cousins)
Tante Chaya, Larry Weisberg
Alice Braunstein
Laurel Sanders, Marion Roseman and husbands, Sid Shanske note the Herskowitz' family photos in the background
Scott Kurek, Bella Shanske, Rita Kurek, Harry Zweigbaum, Neysa Post
Hazel and Phil Weisberg
Yetta Cohen, Aunt Alice, Richard and Hy Weisberg, Bernie Sanders, Leo Postrel also Sylvia Sanders, Yetta (foreground), Larry and Richard Weisberg
Alan Herskowitz
Fran Sanders, Scott Kurek, Neysa Post, Mark Shanske, Mara Herskowitz
Leo Postrel, Irwin and Reida Herskowitz
Chanukah gelt from Tante Chaya (and Yetta)
Pearl Cohen
Larry Weisberg, Bernie Sanders, Julia Cohen, Irene Weisberg
Debbie, Rhonda and Nancy Postrel
Phil Weisberg, Reida Herskowitz, Aunt Alice